Capo Thiazide

الكاتب: رامي -

Capo Thiazide


Each CAPO-THIAZIDE tablet contains 50mg captopril and 25mg hydrochlorothiazide.

Mechanism of Action:

Captopril is a specific competitive inhibitor of angiotensin converting enzyme، and hydrochlorothiazide is a diuretic-antihypertensive agent. Captopril and hydrochlorothizide lower blood pressure by different complementary mechanisms. With diuretic treatment، blood pressure and blood volume fall resulting in a rise in angiotensin II levels، which tend to blunt the hypotensive effect. Captopril blocks this rise in angiostensin II.


For the treatment of mild to moderate hypertension.


Adults: Usual dose is one tablet CAPO-THIAZIDE daily. A daily dose of 2 tablets CAPO-THIAZIDE should not be exceeded.

Elderly: The dose should be kept as low as possible to achieve adequate blood pressure control. In some patients one tablet of CAPO-THIAZIDE LS is enough to control blood pressure.

Side - Effects:

It may occur: a decrease in blood components (aplastic anemia) may occur، Elevated blood urea and creatinine، elevated serum potassium and acidosis، Tachycardia، Rashes، mild pruritus، photo-sensitivity، Gastric irritation، abdominal pain، and weight–loss، Hyperuricaemia may occur، or gout is precipitated by thiazide، in certain patients، Hyperglycemia، Such as cough، orthostatic hypotension.

Contra - Indications:

In patients with anuria or hypersensitivity to any sulphonamide derived drug، or patients with aortic stenosis.

Drug Interactions:

It should not be used with immuno-suppressants such as azathioprine، cyclophosphamide، because it may cause blood-dyscrasias. It should not be used with allopurinol، procainamide. A combination of lithium and ACE inhibitors may increase concentration of lithium in serum. Indomethacine and non-steroidal anti - inflammatory drugs may reduce anti-hypertensive effect. Minoxidil increases the anti - hypertensive effect. With probencid، the renal clearance of Product is reduced.


It should be used with caution، in patients with impaired renal function or progressive kidney diseases، because of its known risks associated with alterations in fluid electrolyte balance.

During treatment، all patients should be instructed to report any sign of infection. A differential white - blood cell count should be performed.

The product and other concomitant medications should be stopped if neutropenia (less than 1000 / mm3) is detected. In most patients، neutrophil counts rapidly return to normal upon stopping captopril.

The clinical signs of thiazide، induced fluid or electrolyte imbalance should be observed. As captopril reduces the production of aldosterone. Its combination with hydrochlorothiazide may minimize diuretic-induced hypokalaemia. However، some patients may still require potassium supplements.

Use in Pregnancy and Lactation:

It should not be used in pregnancy and in women of child bearing potentiality، unless protected by effective contraception، and it should not be used also during lactation.

شارك المقالة:
247 مشاهدة
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