
الكاتب: رامي -



Each 100g Domivat contains 50mg clobetasol propionate.


Domivat is a very active topical corticosteroid which is of particular value when used in short courses for the treatment of more resistant dermatitis such as psoriasis، recalcitrant eczema، lichen-planus، discoid lupus erythematosus، and other conditions which do not respond satisfactorily to less active steroids. Domivat is used to control exacerbation. If continuous steroid treatment is necessary، a less potent preparation (Betamethason) should be used.


Apply a small quantity of Domivat sparingly to the affected area once or twice daily until improvement occurs. If a longer course is necessary، it is recommended that treatment should not be continued for more than four weeks without the patient condition being reviewed. The weekly dosage should be less than 50g. Treatment could be repeated after a short pause. If continuous steroid treatment is necessary، a less potent preparation (Betamethason) should be used. In very resistant lesions، especially where there is hyperkeratosis، the anti-inflammatory effect of Domivat can be enhanced. If necessary، by occluding the treatment area with polythene film. Overnight occlusion only is usually adequate to bring about a satisfactory response. Bacterial infection is encouraged by the warm، moist conditions induced by occlusive dressings، and the skin should be cleaned before a fresh dressing is applied. Appropriate anti-microbial therapy should be used whenever treating inflammatory lesions، which have become infected. Any spread of infection requires with drawl of topical steroid therapy and institution of suitable systemic anti-microbial.


Prolonged and intensive treatment with Domivat may cause atrophic changes. Such as striae، thinning of the skin، and dilatation of the superficial blood vessels. Particularly when occlusive dressings are used، or where skin folds are involved.


Domivat is not used in the treatment of simple skin diseases especially in the face and the genitals، and in these cases: Rosacea، acne، peri-oral dermatitis، skin lesions caused by infection with viruses (herpes simplex، chicken pox)، fungi (candidiasis، tinea)، bacteria (impetigo) or hyper-sensitivity to the preparation.


Domivat should not be used in large amounts or for prolonged periods in pregnancy.

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235 مشاهدة
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