
الكاتب: رامي -



Each 100g Solution contains 25mg Vitamin A Acid (Tretinoin).


Retinoid is indicated as a keratolytic agent، it stimulates cells mitosis and the removal of the horny layer. In this way it is used for topical application in the treatment of acne vulgaris in which comedones، papules and pustules predominate.

Retinoid contributes in softening the horny layer particularly in the surface dermatic cells. Retinoid has good effects in the treatment of psoriasis، cheloid، chloasma، lichen planus and conditions of eczema.


As it has high absorption rate. Retinoid Solution is best suited for large areas such as the back. It doesn’t cause sweating.

The treated area of skin should be washed and dried well، then apply Retinoid 1–2 times daily to the area where acne lesions occur. Apply only sufficient amount to cover the affected areas lightly، using cotton wool or the tips of clean fingers. After 4 weeks comedones regression occur but papules and pustules may take 6 – 8 weeks to get obvious improvement، thereafter Retinoid can be used by intervals of 2-3 days to maintain this improvement.

Pustules incidence may increase in the first weeks، thereby the amount of Retinoid should be minimized. Then these signs will subside and skin regeneration begins.

It is also possible to apply Retinoid and benzoyl peroxide (Ben-Oxide) alternately. The suggested regimens are either benzoyl peroxide (Ben-Oxide) in the morning and Retinoid in the evening or the preparations should be used on alternate days. Moisturisers and cosmetics may be used during treatment with Retinoid but should not be applied to the skin at the same time.


Irritation، hypopigmentation، increased skin permeability and dermal sensitivity to sunrays may occur.


In patients with hypersensitivity to Vit. A Acid، or with a personal or family story of epithelioma.


It should not be applied on mucous membranes، wounds and near eyes، and exposure to sunlight should be avoided when the product is applied.

It should not be combined with other medication specially corticoid deri-vatives unless the doctor has been consulted.

In cases of using peeling agents، skin should have a free interval to activate itself before using Retinoid.

It is recommended not to use the product in chronic eczema and dermatitis.


It should not be used in pregnancy، unless the doctor is consulted.

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290 مشاهدة
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