كلمات اغنية Break The Chains ماهر زين

الكاتب: ولاء الحمود -
كلمات اغنية Break The Chains ماهر زين

كلمات اغنية Break The Chains ماهر زين.

I know how it feels to lose everything
Everything, oh
I have faced a wall
So high above the ground
I’ve dreamt for hours and hours
About the day, about the day
When I can say that nothing can hold me down
I will fight through all the pain
It’s a journey I will make
You can try
But you will never break this heart of mine again
Sometimes it feels like freedom is far away
But I know, yes I know
I will break all the chains, yeah
Sometimes it feels like nothing will ever change
But I know, yes I know
I will break all the chains
You wanna tear me apart but I am strong
I am strong
No matter how hard you try
I’ll never you let you see my tears
I’ve finally found the place where I belong
I belong
I’ll rise beyond and soar above my fears
I will fight through all the pain
You can try
But you will never break this heart of mine again
It’s not easy I know
Just gotta let it go
I will forgive, I will forgive
With all my heart and soul
God has given me
The courage that I need
So I can live, I can live
With honor and dignity
‘Cause I am free
Yes I am free
اسم الاغنية : Break The Chains
كاتب الاغنية : Paddy Dalton, Bara Kherigi & Maher Zain
ملحن الاغنية : Maher Zain
غناء : ماهر زين
شارك المقالة:
197 مشاهدة
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