كلمات اغنية Calling قصي خضر

الكاتب: ولاء الحمود -
كلمات اغنية Calling قصي خضر

كلمات اغنية Calling قصي خضر.

I'm looking with my eyes closed...it's not dream
Feelmy energy from head to toes...witness the scene
Of a young man trying to live...searching for love
God the heart to offer, hands to giv...blessed from above
But this crooked world won't allow him...lost soul
Life is a gift...but some people just don't know
That's why they fight just to take charge...and once they do
They make everything so damn hard...for me and you
Then we say life is a bitch...but it's not
You're broke and he's so damn rich...when will it stop
It ain't fair, it ain't easy...but who did it?
A human like me and you...yeah I said it
What the different between us...I don't see it
We are the future and we're ready to provide it and be it
But I guess times is the answer...and it will heal
Taste the joy of freedom...as we share and feel
As we go through life...it seems we are falling
Can you hear us Lord...you're children as calling
Now as I'm opening my eyes I've witnessed pain and suffer
Surrounded by confusions since I lost my grandmother
Since the birth of earth, there was a gift and curse
Which one came first? Which one really hurts?
اسم الاغنية : Calling
كاتب الاغنية : غير معروف
ملحن الاغنية : غير معروف
غناء : قصي خضر
شارك المقالة:
233 مشاهدة
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