كلمات اغنية Keep it Movin قصي خضر

الكاتب: ولاء الحمود -
كلمات اغنية Keep it Movin قصي خضر

كلمات اغنية Keep it Movin قصي خضر.

I came to party
Soon as I enter the club I spot this shorty
Time time for some action, cuz you know that I am the man
Hit you with a game that make you say hot damn!
I pop the collar … I drop the dollar …
I make them ladies wanna holla and follow
My Chevy Impala with my one and only partner
As I rock the product that I call the oochi walla
Up jump the boogie to the bang bang boogie
To the boogie boogie bang … I let my ?!?!
hang … Out the window maing
Understand the plan, kamelion don’t love them ?!?! …
Slam them on the table like dominos 4 sho!
Looking for them ladies, raised in the 80’s
Driving Mercedes, who’s driving me crazy
L to the E G … E to the N D
In the Heezy 4 Sheezy my Nizy as I get busy
اسم الاغنية : Keep it Movin
كاتب الاغنية : غير معروف
ملحن الاغنية : غير معروف
غناء : قصي خضر
شارك المقالة:
177 مشاهدة
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