كلمات اغنية اعطي فرصة للصغار Give The سامي يوسف.

الكاتب: حنان حوشان -
كلمات اغنية اعطي فرصة للصغار Give The سامي يوسف.

كلمات اغنية اعطي فرصة للصغار Give The سامي يوسف.


Ours the future hold close
For a time will come
Deep in your heart there’s a river that flows
All the way to Kingdom come
Through the sandstorms where the high wind blows
A desert road does bloom
Please help me…
Give the young a chance
Lead them in the dance
My people
Give the young a chance
To change their circumstance
And so… And so… It’s written:
As the moon shall turn the tides
And as the stars shall light your ride

The young I know they are jewels
Deeds I’ve done what I’ve become
Treasures I will find
Nourishment I do receive
Can’t help but believe
The road is long I shall stay strong
Please hear my song
Help me…
Give the young a chance
Lead them in the dance
My brothers
Give the young a chance
Lead them in the dance
My sisters
Give the young a chance
To change their circumstance
And so… And so… It’s written:
As the moon shall turn the tides
And as the stars shall light your ride
Don’t listen to the words of fools
The young I know they are jewels
Take me to gardens where
Birds will sing lullabies
Find me in the shade of trees
Through gentle breeze
Sweet scents filled the air…
Give the young a chance
Lead them in the dance
My people
Give the young a chance
To change their circumstance
And so… And so… It’s written:
As the moon shall turn the tides
And as the stars shall light your ride

The young I know they are jewels


اسم الاغنية : اعطي فرصة للصغار Give The

كاتب الاغنية : غير معروف

ملحن الاغنية : سامي يوسف

غناء : سامي يوسف

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199 مشاهدة
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