كلمات اغنية اينما تكون Wherever You سامي يوسف.

الكاتب: حنان حوشان -
كلمات اغنية اينما تكون Wherever You سامي يوسف.

كلمات اغنية اينما تكون Wherever You سامي يوسف.


My best times
Were when I felt close to you
But everything fell apart
The moment I strayed from you
In each smile
In every single sigh
Every minute detail
Traces of you are found there
Wherever you are I’ll find you
Cause you’re the one I turn to
Wherever you be I’ll be with you
Cause you’re the one my heart is to
I need you
To see your smile
I would pass every trial

For the day when I’m by your side
Wherever you are I’ll find you
Cause you’re the one I turn to
Wherever you are I’ll follow you
Cause you’re the one I turn to
Wherever you be I’ll be with you
Cause you’re the one my love is to
My love is to
Wherever you may be
I’ll follow till I see
In my heart you will be
Your love is all I need
In every single smile
Every single sigh
Every minute detail
Traces of you are there
Wherever you may be
I will search till we meet
In my heart you will be
Your love is all I need
Wherever you may be

اسم الاغنية : اينما تكون Wherever You

كاتب الاغنية : غير معروف

ملحن الاغنية : سامي يوسف

غناء : سامي يوسف

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