كلمات اغنية بدونك Without You سامي يوسف.

الكاتب: حنان حوشان -
كلمات اغنية بدونك Without You سامي يوسف.

كلمات اغنية بدونك Without You سامي يوسف.


Softly you called to me
Across the space between
Across eternity
Where love winds a path unseen
Out of the wilderness
You beckoned my every step
I stumbled sometimes and yet
I never once looked back
Cause I would see
The man I know I used to be
How I was lost before you reached for me
And I don’t know
Where I would go
What I would do
Without you

Ne iz birakir ne bir giz
Ine o derin , dipsiz
O şefkatle affeden
Evvelim şimdim ahirim
Benim sevgili sahibim
Bir okula misafirim
Mezuniyet bekleyen
So you might see
Just what your love has meant to me
And what the cost of losing you would be
No I don’t know
Where I would go or what I’d do
Without you
My heart won’t beat
Without your love in me
My eyes won’t see
Beauty without thee
Loves melody that you put in me
Would lead me to only
Silence without you
Cause I would see
The man I know I used to be
How I was lost before you reached for me
And I don’t know
Where I would go
What I would do
Without you

اسم الاغنية : بدونك Without You

كاتب الاغنية : غير معروف

ملحن الاغنية : سامي يوسف

غناء : سامي يوسف

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