كلمات اغنية عالم هش Fragile World سامي يوسف.

الكاتب: حنان حوشان -
كلمات اغنية عالم هش Fragile World سامي يوسف.

كلمات اغنية عالم هش Fragile World سامي يوسف.


I know that I’m not alone
What I’ve seen, has been seen before
But it hurts just like a thorn
A pain I’ve never felt before
My heart says: “Just speak the truth”
But my mind says: “Don’t be a fool”
Need to get something off my mind
Don’t let this silence be misunderstood
I don’t know where my heart will take me
But I know your light will protect me
From this fragile world
I don’t know where I’m destined to be
Rich or poor, famous, loved or lonely
But I know, without your light I’ll never cope
In this fragile world

With your lies, games and deceit?
You can continue robbing me
But you won’t rob my dignity
I know that life is just a game
An illusion that will fade
Cheat and lie, have it your way
But you can’t cheat death, no way
I don’t know where my heart will take me
But I know your light will protect me
From this fragile world
I don’t know where I’m destined to be
Rich or poor, famous, loved or lonely
But I know, without your light, I’ll never cope
In this fragile world
Life’s just a game
An illusion that will fade
Cheat and lie have it your way
But you can’t cheat death, no way
I don’t know where my heart will take me
But I know your light will protect me
From this fragile world
I don’t know where I’m destined to be
Rich or poor, famous, loved or lonely
But I know, without your light I’ll never cope

اسم الاغنية : عالم هش Fragile World

كاتب الاغنية : غير معروف

ملحن الاغنية : سامي يوسف

غناء : سامي يوسف


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240 مشاهدة
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