كلمات اغنية ليدي كيلر ريمكس ساندي.

الكاتب: حنان حوشان -
كلمات اغنية ليدي كيلر ريمكس ساندي.

كلمات اغنية ليدي كيلر ريمكس ساندي.


All the other boys i can drive insane,
All the other boys they play my game,
All the other boys will buy me drinks,
All the other boys make me wana scream,
All the other boys, all the other boys,
I'm a rockstar , i'm i'm a rockstar,
Whatever er everybody is looking to me,
So why ain't you lookin at me baby
why ain't you lookin at me
i thought i was a shit,
i thought i was a beauty (birdie) queen,
Now i feel like ,am caught in the movie scene
This is no drama its a nightclub thriller,
this is the story of a lady and a lady killer,
You you ,you are da ladykiller,
You you ,you are da ladykiller,
You you ,you are da ladykiller,
You you ,you are da ladykiller,
All the other s wana look like me,
All the other s i'm a book to she,
All the other s ,ain't got no game
All the other s wish they knew your name,
all the other s ,all the other s,
baby this maybe you're hard man to please
while all the others are fallen to their knees
So why ain't you lookin at me baby
why ain't you lookin at me
i thought i was a shit,
i thought i was a beauty (birdie) queen,
Now i feel like ,am caught in the movie scene
This is no drama its a nightclub thriller,
this is the story of a lady and a lady killer,
You you ,you are a ladykiller,
You you ,you are a ladykiller,
You you ,you are a ladykiller,
You you ,you are a ladykiller


اسم الاغنية : ليدي كيلر ريمكس

كاتب الاغنية : غير معروف

ملحن الاغنية : غير معروف

غناء : ساندي

شارك المقالة:
210 مشاهدة
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